Achieve valuable points in project certification
Sustainable building means a conscious handling and use of available resources, minimising energy consumption and preserving the environment. Building assessment systems distinguish the quality of buildings under ecological and sustainable aspects. In Germany, the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) has been the contact since 2007. Worldwide, the LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) building rating system is establishing itself under the umbrella of the WGBC (World Green Building Council). It was developed as early as 1998 by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) in the USA. LEED® is an international standard for the classification of high-quality and sustainable „green buildings“, applicable to new construction and renovation properties.
Make your products LEED compliant with Poraver®.
• Poraver® improves SRI (Solar Reflectance Index) and makes gravel roof systems lighter
• Poraver® in lightweight concrete as a substitute for standard aggregates improves insulating properties
• Poraver® expanded glass is produced from recycled waste glass. LEED rates post-consumer material twice as highly as pre-consumer recycled material
• Poraver® expanded glass is produced in Germany and in Innisfil (Canada)
• Poraver® improves indoor thermal comfort due to its thermal insulating properties
• Poraver® offers VOC-free thermal insulation properties
• Products with Poraver® can potentially provide quantifiable energy savings, health or environmental benefits as defined by LEED that are not otherwise covered in the rating system.

Compared to other products such as perlite, pumice, expanded clay, vermiculite, hollow glass balls or solid glass balls, for which natural resources have to be mined, Poraver® relies on recycled glass from the post-consumer cycle. Natural resources and natural space are thus effectively conserved. An important part of the long-term corporate strategy is the responsible and socially acceptable use of resources. Therefore, the constant optimisation of production processes and the associated reduction of emissions play just as important a role as the sustainable use of the factory premises beyond the pure production of Poraver® expanded glass. Photovoltaic systems and separate beekeeping stations complete the environmental concept.
Im Zeichen von Energieeffizienz und Ökologie sind Leichtbaumaterialien sehr gefragt. Poraver® unterstützt als Leichtzuschlagstoff die Ziele des Leichtbaus und hilft Rohstoffe, Kosten sowie CO₂ zu reduzieren. Dank des geringeren Gewichts sind mit Poraver® veredelte Produkte einfacher in der Handhabung. Beim Transport können mehr Produkte auf einmal transportiert werden, wodurch wiederum Treibstoff oder zusätzliche Fahrten eingespart werden. Mit Poraver® als Dämmstoff unterstützen wir die energetische Gebäudesanierung. Sie hilft, Energie einzusparen und den CO₂-Ausstoß zu senken.

recycled glass as a raw material
Glass is a ubiquitous material. Even after its original use, it offers multiple benefits and is available almost everywhere as a global product. Glass is unsurpassed in terms of potential uses and reuse. In Europe, 76% of all glass packaging is currently recycled, and this figure is expected to rise to 90% by 2030.
By using recycled glass, companies and users make an active contribution to environmental protection. Glass is particularly suitable for the continuous recycling cycle (cradle to cradle). It can be recycled without loss of quality and is not subject to downcycling like other materials.
Not all glass waste can be economically reused in the glass industry. Broken glass that is not suitable for reprocessing into new container glass accumulates as scrap and is often disposed of.
This is precisely where Poraver® comes in and uses its own upcycling process to feed this residual material as expanded glass to new, diverse applications and uses.
The continuous development and optimisation of the manufacturing process enables production of the fine-pored, spherical Poraver® granulate in high and consistent quality. Poraver® offers a unique mix of advantageous properties. Poraver® is pure glass and therefore free of solvents or harmful substances. Its harmlessness to the environment and users is regularly confirmed and certified by various testing bodies. As one of the first companies in the industry, Poraver has introduced an energy management system and is certified according to DIN EN ISO 50001 – a further step towards improving environmental management and proof of the consistent implementation of the company‘s mission statement.
ISO 14001:2015 certification confirms our commitment to effective environmental management and emphasises our focus on sustainability.